Guest bathroom equipped with cabinet modules
Small bathrooms - clever planning

Intelligent solutions can be implemented even in the smallest of spaces. Just a few well thought-out individual measures can significantly increase comfort.

Discover the possibilities. We look forward to your contact.

Small bathroom from above
Clever planning offers space in the smallest of spaces

It doesn't take much space to turn bathrooms into an oasis of well-being. The design of floor and wall in similar materials and colours makes the bathroom appear larger. Large-format tiles and transparent elements, such as mirrors, provide brightness and width. With wall-mounted functional elements - e.g. the toilet brush - cleaning is easy and the room is visually enlarged.

Small bathroom with mirror cabinet
Small barrier-free bathroom
We are happy to help you!

Especially small bathrooms are a challenge for bathroom planning. The functional areas lie close together. A well thought-out layout and clever details make it possible to use it comfortably despite its small floor plan. In addition to the right lighting and the colours and materials used, the products used also play a decisive role. HEWI offers functional products which create space in the smallest of spaces and enable comfort and safety. Especially in small bathrooms, you have to think around the corner to find the best possible solution.